Oska is my 10-year-old golden retriever. He is my best friend and he has been with me through the hardest parts of my life. But the only problem is, he is a living breathing ticking time bomb. He was born with shocking joints and bone structure. He has hip displacer and arthritis. The vets didn't know how long he would live for. He has pulled both his ACLs and he had his first operation around 4 months old. He has the highest pain tolerance our vet has ever seen, he doesn't know anything is wrong with him, he just loves life. But all the money we have put into him is worth it to us. He brights our lives up and I don't know what we would do without him.

Sheeba is our 12-year-old Labrador. She is the family dog and is just a ray of sunshine. She always wags her tail and snores very loudly. Whenever people are sad or sick, she is always there for us and looking after us. One time when my sister was sick on the couch, she spent the whole night lying next to her. She is the friendliest dog I have ever met, all she wants to do is be with us. I love her so much.
Aelin will be 2 years old in March. She is a very cheeky, sassy, affectionate girl. She is Dorian's sister. My nickname for her is Princess and she does have the personality of the badass fire-breathing queen she is named after.
Chuck is a 7-year-old boy. We got him around the same time as Aelin and Dorian and boy does he have a different personality from them. My favourite thing about Chuck is he loves to study with me, dripping himself over my arm that is writing and while cry and whine if I move him.
Dorian is a mommy's boy. He gets quite territorial over me and loves car trips. He has the funniest personality and loves to steal peoples food from their plates.


Nellie.... What can I say about her, she is the most annoying horse ever and a lot of the time I wonder why I love her and put up with her. But I do. She is a bit crazy and I'm not sure how to explain her to non-horse people. But I see the potential in her and I will not give up on her even when she drives me mad. She is the horse that only likes one person and that person is me. She is my co-main riding horse.
My baby Leroy. My baby, who is co-owned with my sister. He is the horse version of Oska. Like Oska he also helped me so much through tough times. He has always been there for me when I need him and I love him so much. He is turning 18 years old in August 2020 and I am not ready for him to get so old. He loves smooches and is just a chilled dude when he wants to be.