In my normal fashion, I am a bit late posting my TBR, what's new. But I am finding it important to still post my TBR’s even if it is super late so I have something to come back to and refer to throughout the month. So here is my August TBR.
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse
This is the July pick for my book club and I still haven’t got around to reading it. But I will need to in the next few days, and hopefully, get to read it before our quiz ends.
Fable by Adrienne Young
Namesake by Adrienne Young
August’s book club pick is Fable but some of us are also reading Nakesake and that is my plan too.
The Golden Fool by Robin Hobb
I managed to finish Ship of Destiny last month and I am now onto the first two books in the next series in The Elderlings to try and hopefully catch up with The Elderlingalong by next month.
Dragon by Midnight by Karen Kincy
I got this off BookSirens and it comes out early Septemeber, so I need to have it read by then.
Callisto 2.0 by Susan English
There have been two review books I have been trying to read for a while now, but unfortunately, I haven’t been in the mood for their genre so I have had to wait. This is one of those books.
The Night Sender by Christina Tsirkas
The author’s of the books I have been asked to review have been so kind waiting while I sort myself out and this book is next on the list I need to read. And this month hopefully is the month.
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
Both buddies read books I need to read with some bookish friends.
The Stars That Guide You Home by Jemma Robinson
The other review book that I mentioned earlier. I am like 40% through the book when I put it down. I need to knuckle down and finish it before I need to restart the book.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
I am currently buddy reading this book. But both our lives have been very busy so we haven’t been able to pick it up for a little while.
That is all of the books I need to try and read in the month of August, but hopefully, I will be able to pick a few books that aren’t on this list as mood reads.