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Heirs of the Frost by Daniel Greenbrook || Review

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers to review. This doesn’t affect my opinion of the book, all my thoughts are my own and are honest.

No one should be forced to choose between their own life and the life of a stranger.

Ralael is a Hybrid, half-elf half-human. His kind is on the brink of extinction. Naal is the daughter of the elven king and has a very different kind of view to life then Ralael. When Ralael is given the task to protect Naal, he will find it is a lot harder then it seems.

The characters had very little personalities and weren’t realistic, Naal more so then Ralael. I found her to be very annoying and was very frustrated with her throughout the majority of the book. Ralael was a bit better but still wasn’t as fleshed out as he could have been.

There were a lot of things I didn’t gel with this book. I went into this book excepting more excitement, a fast-paced plot about people hunting them down and trying to kill them, which it did have to a certain extent. But it was very slow-moving and I found a lot of the book to be boring.

I felt like the pacing was off, it was very slow, but when it came to the main conflict, it was over quickly, which didn’t match at all with the rest of the book. The writing style was dense without any depth to it, it was hard to get through.

I felt like this book lacked depth in a lot of areas, the characters, plot, writing style and worldbuilding, but saying that I do feel like it had potential it just fell short for me.

Thank you, Daniel Greenbrook, for the chance to review your book.

2 ⭐️

Published in October 2020 (first published December 26th 2018)


Find Daniel Greenbrook here

Find Heirs of the Frost here


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